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Nestled in the vibrant blades of soft green, a delicate white flower emerges as the centerpiece of our "Grass with WHITE Flower Small" set.


Hand-carved with precision and painted with the gentlest of strokes, this charming wooden toy from Bumbu Toys is a miniature tribute to the sprawling meadows of Romania.


Ideal for nurturing a child's appreciation for nature's simple beauties, this piece is as educational as it is decorative, offering a safe and sustainable play experience.


Dimensions: 5.5cm x 4.5cm x 1.6cm

Material: Maple wood


The product is made of solid wood, minimally processed to retain as much of its natural texture and properties as possible. Unlike plastic, wood is an uneven natural material that frequently shows growth rings or knots, colour stains or rough areas. These are not defects and do not constitute reason to replace the product - they are distinctive signs that guarantee the natural origin of the product and give uniqueness to each toy, telling the story of the tree from which it was made.

Bumbu Grass with White Flower


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